Advance to the forefront of technology with LK Smart, offering a smart and advanced system for inventory management at your organization’s endpoints.

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A Quick Inventory Solution

Our solution will provide you the opportunity to switch from inventory to automatic mode, meaning that ongoing management is conducted by the system and LK’s professionals. All you have to do is keep consuming while making macro data accessible for critical decision-making.

How does it work? simplify your ways.

  • A smart app – your company’s internal warehouse is run by a smart application that makes the inventory accessible for an active consumption by the end user. The system logs every action and allows you to maintain complete control; it keeps count of any equipment checked out by your employees, and provides complete and exact reports without requiring any other personnel to manage inventory. The system updates you when it’s time to renew inventory and how much is needed, based on its own projections.
  • Identification key – every employee that enters the app-run warehouse gets a personal identification key with a barcode. Using the key unlocks a virtual shopping cart that stores the inventory you picked in the warehouse.
  • Item collection – the user leaves the room after finding the items and manually collecting it from the warehouse. Once they close the virtual shopping cart, they process and load the items. The inventory is accessible 24/7, without you needing to increase your personnel.
  • Constant follow-up – you can receive constant follow-up on the user, starting from when the product taken from the warehouse is approved and highlighted. This ensures that items are returned to their proper places, and everything is controlled at the highest level.

How does it work? simplify your ways.

  • Renewing inventory – LK Smart provides you with constant information regarding inventory management, including an ongoing long-term log of items, making it possible to receive inventory renewal projections and recommendations in real-time, and data analysis for building future projections according to changes in different inventories.
  • Data accessibility – you can access the system from any device and get statistic-based recommendations for replenishment (based on projections and monitoring of actual consumption and flexible KPIs) according to your organization’s needs.
  • Inventory precision in real-time – your inventory quantities are updated in real-time, and the user is synced with the inventory at an immediate and daily rate. This is a smart interface for automatically managing inventory and storage services, made accessible to your ERP system.


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